Be our weekend cook for a yoga teacher training this July

ESP (ENG below)


¡Estamos encantados de invitarte a unirte a nuestro proyecto como cocinero de fin de semana para un prestigioso programa de formación de profesores de yoga!

Descripción general:

Rol: Cocinero de fin de semana

Duración: dos fines de semana

Fechas: 22/23 de julio de 2023 y 29/30 de julio de 2023

Evento: Formación de Profesores de Yoga

Ubicación: Nest City Lab, Almogavers, 138, 08018

Prerequisitos: recetas veganas,  ingredientes ecologicos , locales, de temporada

Exclusion: sin cebolla y ajo

Payment model: 65% para ti después del pago de los ingredientes y 35% para el proyecto Labcuina.

El pago se realiza una vez emitida la factura y comunicada a Labcuina.

La oportunidad:

Durante la formación de profesores de yoga de Ma.Na, nos esforzamos por crear un entorno que nutra no solo el cuerpo y la mente, sino también las papilas gustativas. Creemos firmemente que las comidas saludables y deliciosas juegan un papel integral en la mejora de la experiencia general de los participantes. Como cocinero de fin de semana, tendrá la oportunidad de preparar menús de almuerzo y refrigerios que se alineen con nuestros valores de sustentabilidad, salud y alimentación consciente.


  • Prepare almuerzos para nuestro programa de formación de profesores de yoga que se lleva a cabo durante dos fines de semana consecutivos.
  • Siga deliciosas recetas a base de plantas con ingredientes orgánicos, locales y de temporada.
  • Satisfacer las preferencias dietéticas de nuestros participantes. sin cebolla, sin ajo.
  • Sirva platos visualmente atractivos que dejen una impresión duradera.
  • Mantener altos estándares de higiene y limpieza en la cocina.

Lo que estamos buscando:

Buscamos un cocinero apasionado que no solo sea hábil en la cocina, sino que también esté entusiasmado por nutrir la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu. Estas son las cualidades que valoramos:

  • Experiencia culinaria: experiencia en la cocina a base de plantas, con una sólida comprensión de los ingredientes orgánicos, locales y de temporada.
  • Sentido del detalle: hacer de cada comida un festín para la vista y el paladar.
  • Enfoque consciente: una profunda apreciación de los principios de la alimentación consciente y basada en plantas.
  • Adaptabilidad: Cómodo trabajando en un entorno dinámico, adaptándose a las necesidades y preferencias cambiantes.
  • Project Player: Excelentes habilidades de comunicación y la capacidad de colaborar con otros miembros del personal para garantizar una experiencia fluida para nuestros participantes y siempre apoyar nuestro proyecto.

Por qué unirse a nosotros:

  • Experiencia inmersiva: sumérjase en Nest City Lab y contribuya al bienestar personal de nuestros participantes.
  • Ético y sostenible: Contribuya a un proyecto que apoye una vida sostenible, promueva la agricultura orgánica y celebre los productos locales.
  • Compensación justa: Ponemos el cliente,  el lugar mágico, el equipamiento de cocina y los equipamientos de servicio. Tú pones los ingredientes, todo el trabajo de cocina, el servicio y tu buena energia.

Si está listo para embarcarse en un fin de semana inmersivo en un oasis urbano con una sonrisa en su rostro y palabras amables para compartir, estaremos encantados de saber de usted. Envíe su currículum, junto con cualquier creación culinaria relevante o menús de muestra, a [Dirección de correo electrónico]. Siéntase libre de incluir un breve párrafo sobre por qué sería ideal para este puesto.

¡Esperamos revisar su solicitud y darle la bienvenida como nuevo colaborador en el proyecto Labcuina!

Zita, presentadora, Apocapoc BCN_Nest City Lab, [email protected]


We are thrilled to invite you to join our project as a weekend cook for a prestigious Yoga Teacher Training program!


 Role: Weekend Cook
Duration: Two Weekends
Dates: 22 /23 of July 2023 and 29/30 of July 2023
Event: Yoga Teacher Training
Location: Nest city Lab, almogavers, 138, 08018
Pre-requisites: Plant-Based, Organic, Local, Seasonal, No Onion or Garlic
Payment model: 65% for you after the payment of the ingredients and 35% for the Labcuina project.
Payment is made once the invoice is issued and communicated to Labcuina.

The Opportunity: 
During Ma.Na´s Yoga Teacher Training, we strive to create an environment that nourishes not only the body and mind but also the taste buds. We firmly believe that wholesome, delicious meals play an integral role in enhancing the overall experience for the participants. As a Weekend Cook, you will have the opportunity to prepare lunch menus and snacks s that align with our values of sustainability, health, and mindful eating.


  • Prepare lunches for our Yoga Teacher Training program held over two consecutive weekends.

  • Follow delectable plant-based recipes using organic, local, and seasonal ingredients.

  • Cater to the dietary preferences of our participants. no onions, no garlic.

  • Serve visually appealing plates that leave a lasting impression.

  • Maintain high standards of hygiene and cleanliness in the kitchen.

What We're Looking For: 

We seek a passionate cook who is not only skilled in the kitchen but also thrilled about nourishing the mind, body, and spirit. Here are the qualities we value:

  • Culinary Expertise: Experience in cooking plant-based cuisine, with a strong understanding of organic, local, and seasonal ingredients.

  • Sense of detail: Making each meal a feast for the eyes and taste buds.

  • Mindful Approach: A deep appreciation for the principles of mindful and plant based eating .

  • Adaptability: Comfortable working in a dynamic environment, adapting to changing needs and preferences.

  • Project Player: Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate with other staff members to ensure a seamless experience for our participants and always support our project.

Access and Kitchen Equipment:

  • You will have access to the kitchen from 9h to 17h 

  • The kitchen is equipped with one small fridge, one level of a small freezer, two induction cooktops, one small professional oven, one microwave, one cold press extractor, one Thermomix, and one hand industrial mixer.

  • The chiri where the food is served is equipped with a big fridge and a sink.

  • Familiarize yourself with the operation and safety procedures of all equipment before use.

  • Ensure the kitchen is left in a clean and organized state after each event.

Why Join Us:

  • Immersive Experience: Immerse yourself in Nest City Lab and contribute to the personal wellness of our participants.

  • Ethical and Sustainable: Contribute to a project that supports sustainable living, promotes organic farming, and celebrates local produce.

  • Fare Compensation: We put the client, the magical place, the kitchen equipment and the service equipments. You put the ingredients, all the kitchen work, the service and your peaceful energy.

If you are ready to embark on an immersive weekend in an urban oasis with a smile on your face and kind words to share,  we would be delighted to hear from you. Please submit your resume, along with any relevant culinary creations or sample menus, to [Email Address]. Feel free to include a brief paragraph on why you would be an ideal fit for this role.

We look forward to reviewing your application and welcoming you as a new collaborator in the Labcuina project!

Zita, host, Apocapoc BCN_Nest City Lab, [email protected]  

Pop-up plant-based projects guidelines

These guidelines will help you make the most of a professional kitchen while maintaining a plant-based focus. Here are some key guidelines to consider:

  • Booking and Scheduling:  
    a-Contact the host well in advance to inquire about availability, pricing, and any specific requirements for plant-based projects.
    b. Book the kitchen according to your desired dates and times, considering the availability of the necessary equipment and resources.

  • Plant-Based Certifications and Labels:
    a. If applicable, obtain plant-based certifications or labels to showcase your commitment to plant-based cuisine.
    b. Display these certifications prominently in the kitchen during your pop-up project to assure customers of the plant-based nature of your offerings.

  • Ingredient Sourcing: 
    a. Prioritize sourcing high-quality, fresh, and organic plant-based ingredients for your recipes.
    b. Communicate with local suppliers and farmers to procure seasonal produce and other plant-based ingredients.
     c. Inform the kitchen management about any specific ingredient storage requirements to maintain freshness and prevent cross-contamination.

  • Cross-Contamination Prevention:
    a. Respectfully communicate with the kitchen staff and other users about your plant-based requirements to prevent cross-contamination.
    b. Utilize separate utensils, cutting boards, and equipment dedicated solely to plant-based preparations.
     c. Clean and sanitize all equipment thoroughly before and after use to avoid any potential allergen contamination.

  • Menu Planning and Preparation:
    a. Design your menu to highlight the diversity and flavors of plant-based cuisine.
    b. Consider the kitchen's available equipment and resources while planning your recipes to ensure efficient preparation and cooking.
    c. Develop a prep and cooking schedule to optimize the use of the kitchen space and equipment.

  • Allergen Management: 
    a. Clearly label and communicate any allergens present in your dishes to inform customers and prevent allergic reactions.
    b. Follow strict protocols to prevent cross-contact with allergens during the preparation and serving of plant-based dishes.

  • Sustainability Practices:
    a. Minimize food waste by planning portion sizes, utilizing leftovers creatively, and implementing composting or recycling programs.
    b. Opt for eco-friendly packaging and utensils for takeout or to-go orders, promoting sustainable practices alongside your plant-based offerings.

  • Training and Communication:
    a. Train your staff in plant-based cooking techniques, ingredient knowledge, and allergen management.
     b. Maintain open communication with the kitchen staff, addressing any concerns or questions regarding plant-based cooking and ingredient handling.

  • Hygiene and Sanitation:
     a. Adhere to strict hygiene practices, including frequent handwashing, sanitization of work surfaces, and proper food handling techniques.
    b. Regularly clean and maintain the kitchen area, ensuring the elimination of any residues or potential allergens.

  • Customer Education and Engagement:
    a. Educate your customers about the benefits and flavors of plant-based cuisine through informative signage, menu descriptions, or engagement with customers during the pop-up project.
    b. Encourage feedback from customers to improve your plant-based offerings and overall experience.

Remember to adapt these guidelines to the specific needs of your plant-based pop-up project and consult with the kitchen management to ensure compliance with their policies. By adhering to these guidelines, you can create a successful plant-based culinary experience in a professional kitchen setting.